How To Talk To Your Partner About Your Sexual Desires

Aug 15, 2023

Research has shown that couples who communicate more about sex tend to have more satisfying sex lives. However, discussing sex can be vulnerable and intimidating for some individuals. To create a safe environment for sexual communication, prioritize active listening, validation, and open and honest conversations with a gentle opening.

“Done well, marital sexuality can be a supremely healing experience.”

– Gary L. Thomas

Talking to your partner about sex is essential for maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship. 

Want to know WHY partners need to have more open and honest conversations about sex? 

Consent: Talking openly about sex ensures that both partners enthusiastically consent to sexual activities. 

Better Sex: Discussing sex allows partners to understand each other’s needs, desires, and concerns. 

Exploring Desires: When partners communicate about sex, they can explore their sexual desires together, leading to a deeper level of intimacy and shared experiences. 

Relationship Satisfaction: Talking about sex helps couples communicate better, leading to improved relationship satisfaction. 

Practical Concerns: Conversations about sex also allow partners to address practical concerns such as safer sex practices, contraception, and protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 

Improving Orgasm Frequency: Sexual communication has been associated with increased female orgasm frequency, which can contribute to a more fulfilling sexual relationship. 

Want to know HOW to prepare yourself for the conversation with your partner?

Prepare Thoughts: Reflect on your needs, desires, and boundaries ahead of time to be better prepared for the conversation. 

Find Common Ground: Understand that partners may have different sexual interests, but the conversation can be an opportunity to explore shared interests and preferences. 

Choose the Right Time: Pick a time when there is little or no conflict or tension in the relationship to have a comfortable and meaningful discussion. 

Choose the Right Place: Find a safe, and comfortable place for you and your partner with fewer distractions.

Comfortable Communication: If verbal communication feels difficult, consider alternative ways to express yourself, such as writing or using technology to communicate.

Many couples find it challenging to have open and honest conversations about their needs and preferences. 

Let’s explore 8 effective strategies and practical tips to feel comfortable expressing your sexual desires with your partner that can lead to increased intimacy and a more fulfilling sex life. 

1. Create a Ritual for Talking About Sex 

Establish a ritual for discussing your sex life together. Set aside dedicated time each week to openly share what is going well between you sexually. Begin the conversation on a positive note by expressing things you enjoy and appreciate about your sexual experiences together. 

2. Express Your Insecurities

If you feel insecure about sharing certain sexual desires or fantasies, it’s essential to communicate these feelings to your partner upfront. Express your worries about potential rejection or concerns about your partner’s reaction. Honest communication about your vulnerabilities can lead to a deeper sense of safety and trust. 

3. Share What Feels Good

Discuss what feels good on your body and share intimate moments from the past that were pleasurable. Openly express how you like to be touched and what arouses you. Creating a safe space to share such intimate details can deepen the connection between you and your partner. 

4. Encourage Two-Way Sharing of Fantasies

Invite your partner to share their own sexual desires and fantasies as well. A reciprocal exchange of desires can deepen the conversation and promote a better understanding of each other’s preferences. 

5. Respect Your Partner’s Boundaries

It’s essential to recognize and respect your partner’s boundaries if they express discomfort with certain desires. Consent is crucial, and both partners have the right to establish their comfort levels. Engage in open dialogue to understand each other’s turn-ons and preferences better. 

6. Discuss Initiating and Refusing Sex 

Talk about how you both prefer to initiate and refuse sex in your relationship. Clearly communicate your desires and preferences for initiating intimacy, while establishing a gentle way to refuse sex when necessary. 

7. Use Tools for Communication 

Consider using tools like the Gottman Card Deck app to build sex love maps and come up with new ideas. The app offers questions to learn more about your partner’s feelings about sex and provides suggestions for spicing things up. 

8. Talk During Sex 

Engaging in communication during sex can enhance the experience for both partners. Verbalize what feels good, express your desires, and check in with your partner to ensure mutual pleasure and comfort. 


Having open and honest communication about your sexual desires is crucial for a healthy and satisfying relationship. By creating a safe and understanding environment, respecting boundaries, and encouraging two-way sharing, you and your partner can explore and fulfill each other’s sexual desires. Remember that sexual communication is a skill that requires practice and patience, but it can lead to a more intimate and fulfilling connection. If you find it challenging to communicate about sex despite trying these tips, consider seeking assistance from a qualified mental health professional or therapist. They can provide valuable tools and guidance to enhance your sexual communication and address any sexual-related concerns. 

Remember that open communication about sex is not only about physical acts but also about cultivating emotional intimacy and connection. By nurturing this aspect of your relationship, you can create meaningful and pleasurable sexual experiences together.